Water Ski, Jet Ski or Tubing Accidents

Our attorneys know what it takes to win an injury case in Maine

You or your loved one may have agreed to participate in a risky water sport, but that does not excuse the negligence of others. Don't let insurance companies try to pressure you into accepting blame wrongly. We will fight for your rights and seek the maximum compensation. Contact our offices at 1-866-275-4563 right now. The fun and excitement of water skis, watercraft, or tubing can hide the serious risk of accident and personal injury that they present. Sometimes the injuries that occur are the result of a defective product, but often tend to be due to an act of negligence by the operator or other parties involved. Water skiing, watercraft, and tubing accidents can lead to serious injury, including spinal cord injuries and even death. These water recreation accidents often involve circumstances such as:

You deserve justice if you or a loved one has been the victim of a water recreation injury. Call Joe today.

Remember, attorneys typically negotiate a settlement with insurance companies, not with your neighbor or the boat owner. Our experienced attorneys can help with insurance claims, police or Coast Guard reports, gathering witness statements, and all other aspects to support your personal injury case. Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563, or contact our offices. The initial case evaluation is free, and we don't get paid until you win.