Maine Surgical Mistakes Lawyers

Our investigative attorneys will fight for victims of surgical mistakes

We will help you get to the bottom of what happened and help you get the full compensation you deserve. Contact the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein today if a surgical mistake has injured you or a loved one. Your case evaluation is fully confidential.

Even a basic surgery involves many professionals, each with their own work history, and types of equipment, each with their own requirements for maintenance and operation. Surgical mistakes can be irreversible and may require additional surgery, amputation of an extremity, or even result in death.

How surgical mistakes can happen

Injuries from surgical mistakes can result from:

Medical malpractice cases are often resolved through negotiations with the insurance company, not your doctor. The confidentiality of your health and medical records will be assured throughout the process.

Surgical mistakes can happen to anyone. Our experienced team of attorneys can help if you or a loved one is a victim. Call Joe today.

A surgical mistake can be life-changing. If the intentional actions or negligence of another person has caused injury to you or someone you love, or have led to damaged property, we can help you seek compensation.

Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563. There is no fee or obligation for an initial case evaluation. And if we take your case, we don't get paid until you win. You have rights; we're ready to help. Contact our offices right away.