Maine Rear-End Collision Lawyer

Our aggressive lawyers represent victims of rear-end collisions in Maine

The question of who was at fault in a rear-end collision generally is clearer than in just about any other type of car accident. In most cases, the driver of the car that was stopped at a stop sign or light did nothing wrong. A distracted driver who was behind the car might have been changing the radio station or sending a text message when the rear-end accident occurred. Although who was at fault may be clear, a rear-end collision victim's injury may be difficult to prove. No two accidents are the same - the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein will listen to your side of the story. If you or a loved one was involved in a rear-end collision, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a rear-end accident attorney at the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein for a free and confidential consultation.

How a rear-end collision typically occurs

Start-and-stop traffic is at the root of most rear-end collisions at intersections, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and parking lots. Lower speed means fewer outward signs of damage and injury, and insurance companies might be unwilling to acknowledge a loss has occurred. Our experienced lawyers stand up to the insurance companies. Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563. We can help you seek the maximum compensation for your injury or loss.

If you are a victim of a rear-end collision, you deserve justice. You need an experienced attorney who will take on the insurance companies. Call our experts today.

You've heard of rear-end collisions happening to others, but never imagined becoming a victim of one. There can be shock over how complicated the process becomes. You may be overwhelmed with medical bills, insurance company paperwork, and police reports. Let our experience guide you. Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563. Our attorneys have been helping Maine families cope with personal injury cases for four decades. You don't have to pay us anything before you win your settlement, and there is no cost for an initial case evaluation. Contact our offices today.