How To Read Your Accident Report
Our clients tell us that they want to know exactly what the investigating police officer reported about the details and facts of how their accident occurred. As a special service to you, we are providing a copy of the official "State of Maine - Crash Reporting Guide." This guide provides you with the full ability to interpret all of the various numbered boxes that appear throughout your accident report.
Usually, the police officer's narrative description on the report only tells part of the story as to how the accident occurred. Included in the guide are tips on how to read your accident report, including some of the most important boxes.
To download your free copy of the "State of Maine - Crash Reporting Guide" click the following link:
To download our guide "How To Read Your Accident Report" please click on the image below.
If you have any questions about any of the information provided on your accident report, contact us and we'll be happy to help you interpret exactly what the report says free of charge.
The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein - Maine Lawyers Working For Maine People