Maine Railroad Accident Lawyer

Our aggressive lawyers will fight for victims of railroad accidents

In the confusion after an accident, insurance companies may try delaying tactics or other approaches to make it difficult for you to collect damages from the responsible party. We don't stand for that - tell them you mean business. If we take your case, we fight to get you maximum compensation, so call 1-866-275-4563 right away.

Most people injured aboard trains are railroad workers involved in a workplace accident. However, passengers sometimes sustain injuries. It's important to know that railroad companies must follow safety regulations to ensure the wellbeing of passengers.

How railroad accidents happen

Railroad accidents may occur for any number of reasons, including:

Additionally, railroad accidents may be caused by any number of factors. Common causes include:

Injuries to passengers and railroad workers may range from minor to severe. Some common injuries from railroad accidents include:

Railroad carriers are also bound to adhere to regulations regarding railroad crossing safety. These measures extend to the train's crew members who have obligations they must meet in order to avoid professional negligence such as sounding the horn when approaching certain crossings in high-population areas.

Railroad accident injuries may change your life, but you still have your rights. Call Joe today.

Railroad accident injuries can make life seem unfair. You didn't ask for this to happen. In 50 years of practicing personal injury law, we have emerged as a law firm with an unyielding dedication to our clients in a caring, honest, and ethical way, all the time remaining sensitive and attentive to the special personal needs of each individual.

Call Joe now at 1-866-275-4563 or contact us. The initial case evaluation is free, and we don't get paid until you win.