Road Paving and Construction Accidents
Road construction accidents call for aggressive legal representation
Paving and road construction accidents are not limited to automobile drivers and motorcycle riders. They may involve bicyclists or even pedestrians. Contractors are responsible for adequately warning the public or re-directing traffic around a site hazard, whether the contractors are pouring hot tar or having to disrupt traffic to repair a hole.
Construction firms and contractors have complex insurance coverage. Having an experienced and determined legal professional in your corner helps apply the pressure on the insurance company to gain maximum compensation. Trust the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein to fight relentlessly to pursue the maximum compensation in your case-call today.
Contractors responsible for paving and road construction projects are governed by a strict set of safety requirements. Failure to meet those responsibilities may be considered an act of negligence if it leads to an accident and personal injury.
Road-construction accidents may change your life, but you still have your rights. Call Joe today.
Overcoming a serious injury from road construction accidents can be difficult. We believe that getting justice shouldn't be. We understand what you and your family are going through, and are ready to help.
Call Joe now at 1-866-275-4563 or contact us. The initial case evaluation is free, and we don't get paid until you win.