Other Animal Attacks
Animal attack injuries happen every day-and we've been here to help for nearly 50 years
If the circumstance of your injury is unusual or unlikely, the insurance companies may try to act like it must have been your fault. We know better. If you are represented by our firm, we won't stop advocating for you until you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Tell them you mean business!
While dog attacks occur with relative frequency, injuries resulting from other domestic animals or pets are more unusual and require an in-depth understanding of applicable laws. What classifies as an animal attack? Here are some examples:
- A large domestic animal or livestock is not properly confined, enters the roadway, and causes a motorcycle accident or other motor vehicle accident.
- An individual owns an exotic animal that is vicious by nature and attacks a houseguest.
- A pet bird with dangerous talons or a territorial nature is not confined to a cage, and there is no warning posted for anyone who may call on the house as a part of his or her job.
- A slip-and-fall accident occurs when a guest or visitor unaware of the presence of an exotic pet (such as a tarantula) is surprised by seeing or being approached by the pet.
An animal attack can often cause significant injury and disruption to your life. Call our experts today.
An animal attack can often cause significant injury and disruption to your life. You want justice, and you want to be treated fairly. If the intentional actions or negligence of an animal owner has caused injury to you or someone you love, we can help you seek compensation.
Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563. There is no fee or obligation for an initial case evaluation. And if we take your case, we don't get paid until you win. You have rights; we're ready to help. Contact our offices right away.