Joggers & Skaters
Our lawyers are ready to go to work for Maine injury victims of jogger accidents
If you have been injured, you do not have to accept the pressures or delay tactics of the insurance company. Tell them you mean business - call our aggressive attorneys today at 1-866-275-4563.
Accidents involving joggers and skaters are covered by laws that are similar to bicycle accident laws, but with some differences. For example in Maine, drivers must give bicyclists, joggers and skaters a three-foot berth. Bicyclists must ride with traffic, but joggers and skaters must move toward the approaching traffic.
If a motorist fails to see a jogger or skater who is obeying the rules for sharing the road, or fails to move over adequately once he or she has seen them, the driver may be responsible for the resulting injuries or even death of that individual.
Accidents with joggers or skaters can happen to anyone. Our experienced team of attorneys can help. Call Joe today.
An auto accident can suddenly turn your life upside-down. But your rights are firmly rooted in the law. We can help you get back on your feet. Our experienced attorneys can help with insurance claims, police reports, gathering witness statements, and all other aspects to support your personal injury case.
Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563, or contact our offices. The initial case evaluation is free, and we don't get paid until you win.