Injuries to Bystanders

Bystander injury attorneys who understand what Maine families go through

Before you sign any paperwork from the insurance companies, you need to know the full extent of your legal rights and the obligations of the other party. Contact our offices by calling 1-866-275-4563 right away. We may be able to help you maximize the amount any settlement.

A bystander can sustain injuries when a motorized vehicle veers off its designated travel area and into adjacent space. This may include any of the following:

Injuries to bystanders can also include closely related witnesses of an act of violence or other traumatic event, such as a construction site accident that results in death or severe disfigurement.

For example, the following are some accident scenarios that can lead to bystander claims:

In the examples above, the bystanders may be able to pursue damages for negligent infliction of emotional distress. This type of harm can be especially difficult for children to withstand and can lead to psychological injury.

Bystander injuries may change your life, but you still have your rights. Call Joe today.

If you are a victim of a bystander injury, we can help you get back on your feet. Our experienced attorneys can help with insurance claims, police reports, gathering witness statements, and all other aspects to support your personal injury case.

Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563, or contact our offices through email. The case evaluation is free, and we don't get paid until you win.